
Monday, February 18, 2008

Billy Joel with visual fire

tired of the daily routine...take a rest and watch this



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! I am huge Billy Joel fan from way back.. I used this song in every c;lass I taught. It didn't matter whether it psychology or elementary reading methodology my student were required to learn this song and one third of the final test would be an essay on one of the "fire starter".

Much bitching but they darn well learned mid 20th. century history. This period of time is of course the most active period in known history. My answer to all was that if they could merely briefly define each person, place or thing named in this tune than they had a fuller grasp of modern history and modern man's psychological make-up than if they had been exposed to three full term history classes.

I later heard from a few of my students after they began teaching and they were force feeding the same agony on their students. I believe they were trying to tell me how much I taught them , but in my heart I know every last one of them was getting some kind of lopsided revenge! BB

February 18, 2008 at 10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have missed you! If you are reading the blogs then you know City Hall has been quite active. There is sincere hope that this Wray Fray thing will finally come to an end. BB

February 18, 2008 at 10:52 PM  
Blogger meblogin said...

Hi Brenda,

Work has been very busy the past couple of months. Some of my interest in blogging has decreased due to the obnoxious and insulting comments that lead to further childlike discussions. I just don't have the time or interest.

I am hopeful that you are correct that Greensboro will find peace and move forward.

February 20, 2008 at 8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree that tempers do tend to get a bit hot and as you say obnoxious. But if we don't continue to keep the pressure on the City Council it will be business as usual. I personally got into this because I refused to believe a man who worked with Blacks for 23 years and showed no racist tendencies suddenly became a raving racist when he became Police Chief. David Wray whom I have never met or talked to was badly harmed by the City managers actions and i can not walk away from an injustice. I'm just that way. But when the Wray thing is cleared up I intend to stop blogging as it really isn't fun at all. I am enrolled in a program of writing one's opinions called Helium that I do enjoy and I will concentrate any of my needs to spout off in that arena. BB

February 22, 2008 at 1:43 PM  

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